Untrusted interpreters

Untrusted programs are executed by untrusted interpreters. Untrusted interpreters make use of security proxies to prevent un-mediated access to assets. An untrusted interpreter defines an environment for running untrusted programs. All objects within the environment are either:

  • “safe” objects created internally by the environment or created in the course of executing the untrusted program, or

  • “basic” objects

  • security-proxied non-basic objects

The environment includes proxied functions for accessing objects outside of the environment. These proxied functions provide the only way to access information outside the environment. Because these functions are proxied, as described below, any access to objects outside the environment is mediated by the target security functions.

Safe objects are objects whose operations, except for attribute retrieval, and methods access only information stored within the objects or passed as arguments. Safe objects contained within the interpreter environment can contain only information that is already in the environment or computed directly from information that is included in the environment. For this reason, safe objects created within the environment cannot be used to directly access information outside the environment.

Safe objects have some attributes that could (very) indirectly be used to access assets. For this reason, an untrusted interpreter always proxies the results of attribute accesses on a safe objects.

Basic objects are safe objects that are used to represent elemental data values such as strings and numbers. Basic objects require a lower level of protection than non-basic objects, as will be described detail in a later section.

Security proxies mediate all object operations. Any operation access is checked to see whether a subject is authorized to perform the operation. All operation results other than basic objects are, in turn, security proxied. Security proxies will be described in greater detail in a later section. Any operation on a security proxy that results in a non-basic object is also security proxied.

All external resources needed to perform an operation are security proxied.

Let’s consider the trusted interpreter for evaluating URLs. In operation 1 of the example, the interpreter uses a proxied method for getting the system root object. Because the method is proxied, the result of calling the method and the operation is also proxied.

The interpreter has a function for traversing objects. This function is proxied. When traversing an object, the function is passed an object and a name. In operation 2, the function is passed the result of operation 1, which is the proxied root object and the name ‘A’. We may traverse an object by invoking an operation on it. For example, we may use an operation to get a sub-object. Because any operation on a proxied object returns a proxied object or a basic object, the result is either a proxied object or a basic object. Traversal may also look up a component. For example, in operation 1, we might look up a presentation component named “A” for the root object. In this case, the external object is not proxied, but, when it is returned from the traversal function, it is proxied (unless it is a a basic object) because the traversal function is proxied, and the result of calling a proxied function is proxied (unless the result is a basic object). Operation 3 proceeds in the same way.

When we get to operation 4, we use a function for computing the default presentation of the result of operation 3. As with traversal, the result of getting the default presentation is either a proxied object or a basic object because the function for getting the default presentation is proxied.

When we get to the last operation, we have either a proxied object or a basic object. If the result of operation 4 is a basic object, we simply convert it to a string and return it as the result page. If the result of operation 4 is a non-basic object, we invoke a render operation on it and return the result as a string.

Note that an untrusted interpreter may or may not provide protection against excessive resource usage. Different interpreters will provide different levels of service with respect to limitations on resource usage.

If an untrusted interpreter performs an attribute access, the trusted interpreter must proxy the result unless the result is a basic object.

In summary, an untrusted interpreter assures that any access to assets is mediated through security proxies by creating an environment to run untrusted code and making sure that:

  • The only way to access anything from outside of the environment is to call functions that are proxied in the environment.

  • Results of any attribute access in the environment are proxied unless the results are basic objects.

Security proxies

Security proxies are objects that wrap and mediate access to objects.

The Python programming language used by Zope defines a set of specific named low-level operations. In addition to operations, Python objects can have attributes, used to represent data and methods. Attributes are accessed using a dot notation. Applications can, and usually do, define methods to provide extended object behaviors. Methods are accessed as attributes through the low-level operation named “__getattribute__”. The Python code:


invokes 2 operations:

  1. Use the low-level __getattribute__ operation with the name “b”.

  2. Use the low-level ‘__call__’ operation on the result of the first operation.

For all operations except the __getattribute__ and __setattribute__ operations, security proxies have a permission value defined by the permission-declaration subsystem. Two special permission values indicate that access is either forbidden (never allowed) or public (always allowed). For all other permission values, the authorization subsystem is used to decide whether the subject has the permission for the proxied object. If the subject has the permission, then access to the operation is allowed. Otherwise, access is denied.

For getting or setting attributes, a proxy has permissions for getting and a permission for setting attribute values for a given attribute name. As described above, these permissions may be one of the two special permission values indicating forbidden or public access, or another permission value that must be checked with the authorization system.

For all objects, Zope defines the following operations to be always public:


“__lt__”, “__le__”, “__eq__”, “__gt__”, “__ge__”, “__ne__”



boolean value


class introspection


interface introspection

“__providedBy__”, “__implements__”



low-level string representation


The result of an operation on a proxied object is a security proxy unless the result is a basic value.

Basic objects

Basic objects are safe immutable objects that contain only immutable subobjects. Examples of basic objects include:

  • Strings,

  • Integers (long and normal),

  • Floating-point objects,

  • Date-time objects,

  • Boolean objects (True and False), and

  • The special (nil) object, None.

Basic objects are safe, so, as described earlier, operations on basic objects, other than attribute access, use only information contained within the objects or information passed to them. For this reason, basic objects cannot be used to access information outside of the untrusted interpreter environment.

The decision not to proxy basic objects is largely an optimization. It allows low-level safe computation to be performed without unnecessary overhead,

Note that a basic object could contain sensitive information, but such a basic object would need to be obtained by making a call on a proxied object. Therefore, the access to the basic object in the first place is mediated by the security functions.

Rationale for mutable safe objects

Some safe objects are not basic. For these objects, we proxy the objects if they originate from outside of the environment. We do this for two reasons:

  1. Non-basic objects from outside the environment need to be proxied to prevent unauthorized access to information.

  2. We need to prevent un-mediated change of information from outside of the environment.

We don’t proxy safe objects created within the environment. This is safe to do because such safe objects can contain and provide access to information already in the environment. Sometimes the interpreter or the interpreted program needs to be able to create simple data containers to hold information computed in the course of the program execution. Several safe container types are provided for this purpose.

Safe Builtins

When executing untrusted Python code, we need to make sure that we only give the code access to safe, basic or proxied objects. This included the builtin objects provided to Python code through a special __builtins__ module in globals. The builtins module provides a suitable module object:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.builtins import SafeBuiltins
>>> d = {'__builtins__': SafeBuiltins}
>>> exec('x = str(1)', d)
>>> d['x']

The object is immutable:

>>> SafeBuiltins.foo = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: foo

>>> del SafeBuiltins['getattr']
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: object does not support item deletion

It contains items with keys that are all strings and values that are either proxied or are basic types:

>>> from zope.security.proxy import Proxy
>>> for key, value in SafeBuiltins.__dict__.items():
...     if not isinstance(key, str):
...         raise TypeError(key)
...     if value is not None and not isinstance(value, (Proxy, int, str)):
...         raise TypeError(value, key)

It doesn’t contain unsafe items, such as eval, globals, quit, …:

>>> SafeBuiltins.eval
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'ImmutableModule' object has no attribute 'eval'
>>> SafeBuiltins.globals
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'ImmutableModule' object has no attribute 'globals'
>>> SafeBuiltins.quit
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'ImmutableModule' object has no attribute 'quit'

The safe builtins also contains a custom __import__ function.

>>> imp = SafeBuiltins.__import__

As with regular import, it only returns the top-level package if no fromlist is specified:

>>> import zope.security
>>> imp('zope.security') == zope
>>> imp('zope.security', {}, {}, ['*']) == zope.security

Note that the values returned are proxied:

>>> type(imp('zope.security')) is Proxy

This means that, having imported a module, you will only be able to access attributes for which you are authorized.

Unlike regular __import__, you can only import modules that have been previously imported. This is to prevent unauthorized execution of module-initialization code:

>>> security = zope.security
>>> import sys
>>> del sys.modules['zope.security']
>>> imp('zope.security')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: zope.security

>>> sys.modules['zope.security'] = security

Package-relative imports are supported (for now):

>>> imp('security', {'__name__': 'zope', '__path__': []}) == security
>>> imp('security', {'__name__': 'zope.foo'}) == zope.security

Untrusted Python interpreter

The interpreter module provides very basic Python interpreter support. It combined untrusted code compilation with safe builtins and an exec-like API. The exec_src function can be used to execute Python source:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.interpreter import exec_src
>>> d = {}
>>> exec_src("x=1", d)
>>> d['x']

>>> exec_src("x=getattr", d)

Note that the safe builtins dictionary is inserted into the dictionary:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.builtins import SafeBuiltins
>>> d['__builtins__'] == SafeBuiltins

All of the non-basic items in the safe builtins are proxied:

>>> exec_src('str=str', d)
>>> from zope.security.proxy import Proxy
>>> import platform
>>> IS_PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'
>>> # PyPy does not support proxies.
>>> True if IS_PYPY else type(d['str']) is Proxy

Note that you cannot get access to __builtins__:

>>> exec_src('__builtins__.__dict__["x"] = 1', d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: ('Line 1: "__dict__" is an invalid attribute name because it starts with "_".', 'Line 1: "__builtins__" is an invalid variable name because it starts with "_"')

Because the untrusted code compiler is used, you can’t use exec, raise, or try/except statements:

>>> exec_src("exec('x=1'"), d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: Line 1: exec calls are not supported

Any attribute-access results will be proxied:

>>> exec_src("data = {}\nupdate = data.update\nupdate({'x': 'y'})", d)
>>> type(d['update']) is Proxy

In this case, we were able to get to and use the update method because the data dictionary itself was created by the untrusted code and was, thus, unproxied.

You can compile code yourself and call exec_code instead:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.rcompile import compile
>>> code = compile('x=2', '<mycode>', 'exec')
>>> d = {}
>>> from zope.untrustedpython.interpreter import exec_code
>>> exec_code(code, d)
>>> d['x']

This is useful if you are going to be executing the same expression many times, as you can avoid the cost of repeated compilation.

Compiled Programs

A slightly higher-level interface is provided by compiled programs. These make it easier to safely safe the results of compilation:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.interpreter import CompiledProgram
>>> p = CompiledProgram('x=2')
>>> d = {}
>>> p.exec_(d)
>>> d['x']

When you execute a compiled program, you can supply an object with a write method to get print output. (Assigning printed to res is only done to prevent a SyntaxWarning of RestrictedPython.)

>>> p = CompiledProgram('print("Hello world!"); res=printed')
>>> import io
>>> f = io.StringIO()
>>> p.exec_({}, output=f)
>>> f.getvalue()
'Hello world!\n'

Compiled Expressions

You can also pre-compile expressions:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.interpreter import CompiledExpression
>>> p = CompiledExpression('x*2')
>>> p.eval({'x': 2})

Support for Restricted Python Code

This package provides a way to compile untrusted Python code so that it can be executed safely.

This form of restricted Python assumes that security proxies will be used to protect assets. Given this, the only thing that actually needs to be done differently by the generated code is to:

  • Ensure that all attribute lookups go through a safe version of the getattr() function that’s been provided in the built-in functions used in the execution environment.

  • Prevent exec statements. (Later, we could possibly make exec safe.)

  • Print statements always go to an output that is provided as a global, rather than having an implicit sys.output.

  • Prevent try/except and raise statements. This is mainly because they don’t work properly in the presence of security proxies. Try/except statements will be made to work in the future.

No other special treatment is needed to support safe expression evaluation.

The implementation makes use of the RestrictedPython package, originally written for Zope 2. There is a new AST re-writer in zope.untrustedpython.transformer which performs the tree-transformation, and a top-level compile() function in zope.untrustedpython.rcompile; the later is what client applications are expected to use.

The signature of the compile() function is very similar to that of Python’s built-in compile() function:

compile(source, filename, mode)

Using it is equally simple:

>>> from zope.untrustedpython.rcompile import compile

>>> code = compile("21 * 2", "<string>", "eval")
>>> eval(code)

What’s interesting about the restricted code is that all attribute lookups go through the _getattr_ function. (This is not a typo, the name * actually single underscore getattr single underscore, see https://restrictedpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/policy.html?highlight=_getattr_#implementing-a-policy for details.) It is generally provided as a built-in function in the restricted environment:

>>> def mygetattr(object, name, default="Yahoo!"):
...     marker = []
...     print("Looking up", name)
...     if getattr(object, name, marker) is marker:
...         return default
...     else:
...         return "Yeehaw!"

>>> import builtins
>>> builtins = builtins.__dict__.copy()

>>> def reval(source):
...     code = compile(source, "README.txt", "eval")
...     globals = {"__builtins__": builtins,
...                "_getattr_": mygetattr}
...     return eval(code, globals, {})

>>> reval("(42).real")
Looking up real
>>> reval("(42).not_really_there")
Looking up not_really_there
>>> reval("(42).foo.not_really_there")
Looking up foo
Looking up not_really_there

This allows a getattr() to be used that ensures the result of evaluation is a security proxy.

To compile code with statements, use exec or single:

>>> exec(compile("x = 1", "<string>", "exec"), globals())
>>> x

Trying to compile exec, raise or try/except statements gives syntax errors:

>>> compile("exec('x = 2')", "<string>", "exec")
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: Line 1: exec statements are not supported

>>> compile("raise KeyError('x')", "<string>", "exec")
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: Line 1: raise statements are not supported

>>> compile("try: pass\nexcept: pass", "<string>", "exec")
Traceback (most recent call last):
SyntaxError: Line 1: try/except statements are not supported